Authorised Agents Protea- Agents List - Protea College
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Authorised Agents – International Students


If you are an international student applying for enrolment at Protea College from overseas, please apply through registered Protea College agents only. A list of our registered/authorised agents is available under the Important Links heading on this page (or from our Downloads page).

Our agents are required to adhere to the legislation related to international students and Australian Consumer Laws. You can select any agent from the list provided. Overseas Students are encouraged to contact their local agent for more information about applying for study.

If your agent is not on our Authorised Agents List, please email us on [email protected] to verify if the agent is approved by Protea College. Please DO NOT deal with any agents without checking our Authorised Agents List OR checking with us directly.

If you are applying from overseas, please make sure that your agent follows the procedures below:

  1. You must sign and date the completed ‘Protea Enrolment Form’.
  2. Your agent MUST give you a copy of the official Protea College Offer Letter, if we have issued an offer.
  3. You MUST sign and date the official offer letter, if you wish to accept the offer.
  4. If you are applying from overseas, please DO NOT pay any Protea College fees to any overseas agent or person. All fees related to Protea College MUST be paid into our bank account directly by overseas telegraphic transfer. Contact us at [email protected] for our bank details. We are not able to take any responsibility if you pay your fees to any other account.

If you are not sure about the above process, please contact us on +03 9008 4537 or [email protected].

A full list of Protea College Authorised Agents is available on our Downloads page: HERE.