Diploma of Information Technology - IT - Protea College
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Diploma of Information Technology – 114395F (CRICOS: ICT50220)

Diploma of Information Technology – 114395F ​

Qualification: ICT50220– Diploma of Information Technology

Qualification CRICOS Code: 104395F

Qualification Status: Current

AQF Level: 5

Total Core Units: 6

Total Electives Units: 14

Mode of Delivery: Face-to-face (Classroom based) 

Study Load: 20 hours per week in the classroom 

Location of course: Level 3, 398 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Total Course Fee: AUD 26,000

Tuition Fee: AUD 24,000

Material Fee: AUD 1,750

Application Fee: AUD 250 (non-refundable)

Total Course Duration: 104 weeks, including 88 study weeks and 16 weeks of holidays.

There are no pre-requisites for any of the units of competency contained within it. This course is available to all international students and Protea College. requires that students are able to provide evidence that they:

  • Have demonstrated an IELTS level at a score of at least 6.0 or equivalent or demonstration of successful completion of at least General English at Advanced level or English for Academic Purposes at Advanced level.
  • Successfully  meets the requirements and satisfies the criteria of Genuine Student Test.
  • Must have sound digital literacy and access to working internet and access to working PC or laptop with a configuration suitable to meet study requirements. Please seek your trainer/assessor assistance in this regard.
  • Have a suitable level of language, literacy and numeracy to complete course requirements with or without additional support that the CRICOS provider is able to provide.
  • Have successfully completed Australian year 12 or equivalent.
  • Are at least at age of 18 on the date of course commencement. 
  • Please Note: 

    1. All the students commencing this course are required to complete the LLN test on the orientation day to assist  the CRICOS provider  . to identify student’s needs for additional support during their study with the CRICOS provider.
    2. If the student is opting ELICOS packaged with any vocational course, the student is required to demonstrate IELTS of 5.0 or equivalent.

The further study pathways available to students who undertake this qualification include:

  • ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber security).
  • Or any other specialisation within ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology.
  • Higher education degree in Cyber Security provided learner meet the entry requirements of the proposed qualification at other higher education provider


Employment pathways:

  • Cyber security administrator
  • Network security analyst
  • Network security specialist
  • E-security specialist
  • ICT security specialist
  • IT security administrator
  • IT security analyst
  • IT security specialist.

Course Structure:

A total of 20 Units (6 Core and 14 electives) must be completed and deemed competent to achieve the qualification ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security). Participants who achieve competency in any unit/s will receive a Statement of Attainment (provided USI is verified) for that unit/s without completing all 20 units in the qualification. Students completing all the required units of competency will attain full qualification.


CodeTitle Core/ Elective
BSBCRT512Originate and develop conceptsCore
BSBXTW401Lead and facilitate a teamCore
BSBXCS402Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practicesCore
ICTICT517Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisationCore
ICTICT532Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environmentsCore
ICTSAS527Manage client problemsCore
ICTICT523Gather data to identify business requirementsElective
BSBPMG532Manage project qualityElective
BSBPMG536Manage project riskElective
ICTPMG505Manage ICT projectsElective
ICTSAD508Develop technical requirements for business solutionsElective
ICTICT526Verify client business requirementsElective
ICTSAD509Produce ICT feasibility reportsElective
ICTICT443Work collaboratively in the ICT industryElective
ICTCYS407Gather, analyse and interpret threat dataElective
ICTCYS610Protect critical infrastructure for organisationsElective
ICTCYS613Utilise design methodologies for security architectureElective
ICTSAS524Develop, implement and evaluate an incident response planElective
ICTSAS526Review and update disaster recovery and contingencyElective
ICTWEB514Create dynamic web pagesElective


Assessment methods used for this qualification are varied and will provide a range of ways for individuals to demonstrate that they have met the required outcomes. Assessment methods may include:

  • Written questions
  • Projects
  • Presentations
  • Report writing
  • Role plays
  • Practical Demonstration and Observations

At the beginning of each unit, your trainer and assessor will outline the assessment tasks that must be completed.

Recommended Textbooks:

  • Cybersecurity Essentials: An accessible introduction to cybersecurity concepts and practices. 1st Charles J. Brooks, Christopher Grow, 2018
  • Cybersecurity: The Beginner’s Guide: A comprehensive guide to getting started in cybersecurity. 1st Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, 2019.
  • Fundamentals of cyber security. Anil V. Turukmane, 2019.

For all further details, please refer to International Student Handbook on for all related policies and procedures (policies and procedures also available on www.protea.edu.au) and other important information related to international students including Covid-19, living cost, life and study in Sydney, etc.

Please contact the Administration Manager at [email protected] or at +61 3 9008 4537 for further information.