Privacy Policy - Protea College
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Protea College Privacy Policy

Protea College Information Privacy Statement

Protea College is required to collect certain personal information to meet its obligations as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) under the VET Quality Framework, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000/National Code 2018, and the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

This information includes personal contact information, demographic information, educational results/history, and in certain cases, medical information (for example, when adjustments must be made to accommodate a student’s needs), and certain financial information (such as Tax File Numbers).

This information is collected through electronic and hard copy enrolment forms, via electronic and hard copy surveys, via assessment instruments completed by students, and via emails, phone calls, and in-person communications. We only collect and store as much information as we need to meet our obligations as an RTO. We only collect personal information via fair, open, and legal means, and we will inform you of what information we need, how we are collecting it, and what it will be used for prior to collecting it from you.

Personal information is securely stored in our electronic Student Management System (SMS) software, and/or in physical files. Information is securely destroyed (if stored in physical form) or permanently deleted (if stored in electronic form) within six (6) months once any legally-mandated storage time limits have expired. We handle all personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988.

Your personal information will only be viewed by appropriate Protea College staff to enable them to carry out their jobs. It will only be shared with third parties where required by law. Information may be shared with the Australia Government and designated authorities, including Tuition Assurance Scheme and Tuition Protection Scheme managers. Protea College is not likely to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients, unless you are an international student who has engaged the services of an overseas-based education agent, and you have consented to them sharing your information with Protea College (and vice-versa).

If you would like to access the personal information held about you by Protea College, you can make a request in writing. Protea College will only release your information to you, except where you have given express written authorisation for your information to be released to another party, and this authorisation has been verified.

If you believe any of your personal information held by Protea College to be incorrect, you can write to us to request that we correct it. If you are a student of Protea College, you can update certain personal information yourself via our Student Admin Portal.

If you would like to complain about a matter related to the collection, storage, disposal or use of personal information by Protea College, you can access Protea College’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure, or lodge a complaint directly with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

NCVER Privacy Notice

VET Data Use Statement

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012 and National VET Data Policy (which includes the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy at Part B), Registered Training Organisations are required to collect and submit data compliant with AVETMISS for the National VET Provider Collection for all Nationally Recognised Training. This data is held by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER), and may be used and disclosed for purposes that include:

  • populating authenticated VET transcripts
  • administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
  • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
  • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.

NCVER is authorised by the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVETR Act) to disclose to the following bodies, personal information collected in accordance with the Data Provision Requirements or any equivalent requirements in a non-referring State (Victoria or Western Australia), for the purposes of that body:

  • a VET regulator (the Australian Skills, Quality Authority, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or the Training Accreditation Council Western Australia)
  • the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment
  • another Commonwealth authority
  • a state or territory authority (other than a registered training organisation) that deals with or has responsibility for matters relating to VET.

NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.